Customs Clearance Procedures & Documentation 

Harbur Logistics can offer customs clearance services for import arrivals into the following ports - Felixstowe, Southampton, Thamesport, Tilbury and Liverpool. 
To proceed with your customs clearance formalities we will require the following information: 
1. Suppliers Commercial Invoice 
2. Suppliers Packing List 
3. Original Bill of Lading (endorsed) 
4. Any preferential certificates for reduced duty rates 
5. Certificate of Origin 
6. Import License if required 
7. Health certificate if required 

Commercial Importations - VAT & EORI Registration Requirements 

If you are importing goods into the UK for the purpose of selling them under a commercial operation, then you are required by HMRC to hold what is known as an EORI (Economic Operator Registration and Identification) number. Without this number, we cannot enter your cargo through the computer systems required and so customs clearance will be impossible. The EORI number is similar to a VAT registration number. It is usually just the VAT number with followed by 000. 
If you are already VAT registered in the UK it will be possible to check your VAT number to see whether customs computer systems will recognise it as an EORI number. If not, then you need to apply to customs on form C220 which is specifically designed for applications by VAT registered traders. 
If you are not VAT registered in the UK, you can apply for an EORI number on form C220A. 
If you are bringing your own used personal effects into the UK on a change of residence you do not need an EORI number. This is because an importation of this nature would be known as a private importation. 


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